Photo of a worried teenager looking down. Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash.
Impactly is coming to Folkemødet 2023
June 8, 2023

Let's talk about Social Impact at Folkemødet!

Folkemødet 2023 is approaching, and we are looking forward to learning a lot and talking to all the cool organizations and companies that are also visiting Bornholm.

If you work with social interventions, we would very much like to have a chat with you about your work, how you work with impact strategy and change theory, and how you measure the social effects of your efforts today.

We'll provide a beer or coffee if you're up for a nice chat about social impact in Allinge Havn.

We are also happy to talk about:

👉 how we work with change theory,

👉 how Impactly makes impact strategies,

👉 how our platform makes it easier for social efforts to measure an effort's social effect

👉 how to value an effort's results in social and economic terms.

But the most important thing for us is to hear about your social efforts and how you work today.

So if you fancy a chat about social impact, you can book us for an informal chat via the link in the comment field.

You are also welcome to call one of us:

- Johan Dubert, CEO, tel. 31 33 54 55

- Rasmus Rifsdal, Director of Impact, tel. 51 90 10 47

- Anton Karlsson, Head of Impact, tel. 24 90 31 84

- Daniel Nanni Serop, Head of Product, tel. 20 72 99 60

See you at the Folkemødet!

Impactly is attending this years Folkemødet in Allinge, Bornholm. You are invited to meet and have a chat, or come to one of our seminars where we will tal about social impact and a new initiative called OSVB, or Open Social Value Bank. See you there!
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Contact us

Johan Dubert
CEO, Founder
Rasmus Rifsdal
Director of Impact, Co-Founder
Jonas thor Straten
Head of Communications