Photo of a worried teenager looking down. Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash.
Webinar: How to measure loneliness efficiently and scientifically
December 14, 2023

Do you work with loneliness interventions? Then join our webinar on January 11 at 3 p.m., and learn how to effectively and scientifically measure loneliness.


⭐ Ziggi Santini, researcher in mental health at the University of Copenhagen and Chief Scientific Officer at Impactly, explains the science behind measuring loneliness and well-being

⭐ Anton Karlsson, Head of Impact at Impactly, provides user cases and explains how to effectively measure loneliness in order to use Loneliness in Numbers

What to expect

The loneliness webinar will provide you with valuable knowledge about how to measure your intervention's impact in regards to loneliness. After the webinar, you will be ready to start measuring loneliness and to ultimately calculate the socio-economic value of your loneliness intervention using Loneliness in Numbers.


11th of January, 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Sign up for the webinar on loneliness

Do you work with loneliness interventions? Then join our webinar about how you can measure loneliness and how to utilise Loneliness in Numbers
Download attached PDF

Contact us

Johan Dubert
CEO, Founder
Rasmus Rifsdal
Director of Impact, Co-Founder
Jonas thor Straten
Head of Communications